The Old Vine Project offers membership to wine producers and grape producers. In order to become a member of the OVP vineyards must be 35 years and older and registered with SAWIS. The members of the OVP subscribe to adhere to sustainable viticultural and winemaking practices according to OVP guidelines.

The Old Vine Project offers membership to wine producers and grape producers. In order to become a member of the OVP vineyards must be 35 years and older and registered with SAWIS. The members of the OVP subscribe to adhere to sustainable viticultural and winemaking practices according to OVP guidelines.
The benefits of becoming an OVP member include:
- Local and international exposure including but not limited to tastings and auction lots
- Access to use the Certified Heritage Vineyards seal
- Access to the Certified Heritage Vineyards Grape Trading platform
- Exposure on OVP social media platforms and website
- Inclusion in exclusive Heritage Tours
- Play an integral and proud role in the conservation of the South African heritage through preserving and sustaining old vineyards to ensure future generations are also able to make exceptional wines from old vines
- Access to viticultural advice
- Access to specialised vineyard worker training with regards to old vines
- Access to research
- To be part of international and local research projects
- Having your old vineyard blocks or old vine wine certified by OVP