The Phillips Family Issues Dire Warnings Imagine a Lodi without old vine Zinfandel. It’s not an impossibility. This issue always comes up in years when yields are down, as they were in 2017, 15%, 25%, or even more than 50%. This time around it comes in the middle of...
The first commercially produced Pinotage was released in 1961 under the Lanzerac label, vintage 1959, made from grapes sourced at Bellevue and Kanonkop. There is currently 164.45 Ha of Pinotage vineyard, older than 35 years. In celebration of Pinotage Day, the Old...
It was around 14:00 on Monday the 25th of September that I received a phone call from farmer and wine enthusiast André du Toit, the same guy that enjoys and embraces my energetic (and mostly crazy) ideas to farm and develop on his farm, evident with our new project...