by | Jul 29, 2016 | General
Today was fantastic. I did what I love to do – visit exceptional vineyards. Tremayne Smith of The Blacksmith Wines accompanied me today. First we visited the Cinsaut block destined for The Blacksmith Barebones. We are both very happy with the way this block is handled...
by | May 26, 2016 | Viticulture
In the wake of recent articles about the Grapevine leaf roll dilemma in South Africa (just note this is a global problem, not fixed to South Africa), I would like to throw you a curve ball, but I’ll get to that later. This is the time of year when the producers order...
by | Oct 14, 2015 | Viticulture
Last year I spotted an almost forgotten patch of vineyards. I saw them from across a hill, hidden on terraces between the bushes and trees. As a vine guardian I was naturally drawn to them. Intrigued by them. Destined to help them. Much to my delight, the farmer was...