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100% Chenin Blanc
Wine of Origin:
Wine of Origin:
Waterford has been making Chenin blanc since the beginning under the Pecan Stream range. For the last 4 years there has been great effort to secure old vine Chenin blanc in the Stellenbosch region which is able to make world class wine. 2018 is the maiden vintage of this wine. Showing wonderful purity and elegance. Flavours of peach, floral honey and pithy stone fruit. Very well textured pallet with fruit complexity and creaminess.
Vintage review 2018:
Another tough vintage for South African wineries as severe drought conditions continue. Early ripening varietals more affected as they are harvested in the middle of summer, with later ones being hardier during this period. Whites and blanc de Noir have surprised with good freshness and the reds show great promise with lower alcohols.
Technical information:
- 13,7 %
- pH 3,51
- TA 4,93 g/l
- RS 2,8 g/l
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